Method 1 - Works for root
First of all I had to create a bridge which will be used to create virtual interface - each virtual interface will be used by one VM. For a network interface called "eth1", execute the following commands:
You'll have to work directly on the local machine as if you do this remotely after executing the first command you'll lose the connection to the host.
- ifconfig eth1 promisc up
Take note of the IP number that "eth1" has before issuing this command (by executing the command "ifconfig"). The command will put your network card ("eth1") into promiscuous mode which will make your network card listen to all traffic it receives, even if it is not intended for it. But don't worry - your switch/router will send to the card only the traffic that the host or the VMs running on the host is intended to receive. Remark: this step is critical especially for wireless network cards - if you wireless network card is not able to switch to promiscuous mode this method won't work. - brctl addbr br0
Creates a bridge called "br0". - brctl addif br0 eth1
Links the bridge your just created with your network card. - ifconfig br0 up
Activates the bridge. - brctl stp br0 on
No clue. - ifconfig br0 netmask up
I assign the IP number that "eth1" had before, to the bridge "br0". - route add default gw br0
By assigning to "eth1" the IP the default gateway is lost - I redefine it to go through the bridge "br0".
Now if you run "ifconfig" you should see that the interface "br0" is up and running. You should still be able to connect to/from this machine to anywhere in the world or your internal network. That's it - the bridge is ready. You can put all the above commands in a script and schedule it to be executed at each boot.
As we have a bridge we can tell KVM to use it. In Gentoo (the Linux distribution I have) this is done automatically (KVM calls them automatically) by two scripts which create/destroy a virtual ethernet device. The two scripts, called kvm-ifup and kvm-ifdown are stored in the directory /etc/kvm/:
- kvm-ifup:
if [ -x /sbin/brctl ]; then
elif [ -x /usr/sbin/brctl ]; then
echo "no bridge utils installed"
exit 1
if [ -x /sbin/ip ]; then
switch=$(/sbin/ip route list | awk '/^default / { sub(/.* dev /, ""); print $1 }')
/sbin/ip link set $1 up
switch=$(/bin/netstat -rn | awk '/^0\.0\.0\.0/ { print $NF }')
/sbin/ifconfig $1 up
${BRCTL} addif ${switch} $1 - kvm-ifdown:
if [ -x /sbin/brctl ]; then
elif [ -x /usr/sbin/brctl ]; then
echo "no bridge utils installed"
exit 1
if [ -x /sbin/ip ]; then
switch=$(/sbin/ip route list | awk '/^default / { sub(/.* dev /, ""); print $1 }')
${BRCTL} delif ${switch} $1
/sbin/ip link set $1 down
switch=$(/bin/netstat -rn | awk '/^0\.0\.0\.0/ { print $NF }')
${BRCTL} delif ${switch} $1
/sbin/ifconfig $1 down
Now the only thing missing is the configuration to start kvm. Here an example which starts up my WindowsXP using a virtual ethernet interface created on-the-fly:
kvm -hda /virtual_os/windows_xp/fs_image/windowsxp.img \
-cdrom /virtual_os/windows_xp/fs_image/winxp_install_cd.iso \
-boot c -m 512 -soundhw es1370 -usb -net nic,vlan=0,macaddr=CE:AD:BE:EF:16:10 \
-net tap,vlan=0
Note that you'll have to provide a MAC-address ("CE:AD:BE:EF:16:10" in my case) in order to make the whole thing work - use a different MAC for each of the VMs.
Method 2 - Works as well for non-root users
You'll still have to run the same script as above when the PC boots - add it to your runlevel, after your "normal" network becomes available:
ifconfig eth2 promisc up
brctl addbr br0
brctl addif br0 eth2
ifconfig br0 up
ifconfig br0 netmask up
route add default gw br0
Additionally create a script that your user will use to run the VM:
#1) Make sure that the user belongs to the group "kvm"
#2) Check with "visudo" ("sudo" package) that the user has the needed authorizations. E.g.:
#Let the user create taps
#user_virtos localhost=/usr/bin/tunctl -b -u user_virtos
#Limit the user to link max 29 taps to br0
#user_virtos localhost=/sbin/brctl addif br0 tap[0-9]
#user_virtos localhost=/sbin/brctl addif br0 tap[0-2][0-9]
#Limit the user to activate max 29 taps
#user_virtos localhost=/sbin/ip link set tap[0-9] up
#user_virtos localhost=/sbin/ip link set tap[0-2][0-9] up
#Limit the user to delete max 29 taps
#user_virtos localhost=/usr/bin/tunctl -d tap[0-9]
#user_virtos localhost=/usr/bin/tunctl -d tap[0-2][0-9]
#3) Check that the file/device where the OS resides gives r/w access to users of group "kvm".
#Start kvm. !!Note not to use -daemonize otherwise the interface will be destroyed immediately
KVM_CMD="kvm -nographic -vga std \
-hda /yourdir/osimage.img \
-boot c -m 512 \
-net nic,model=virtio,vlan=3,macaddr=DE:AD:BE:EF:17:29 \
-net tap,vlan=3,script=no,downscript=no,ifname="
#START-Create the tun interface
INTERFACE=`sudo tunctl -b -u user_virtos`
if [ $INTERFACE ]; then
echo my_message: Interface $INTERFACE created
echo ""
#START-Link to bridge
sudo brctl addif br0 $INTERFACE && BRCTL_OK="ok"
if [ $BRCTL_OK ]; then
echo my_message: bridge br0 linked to interface $INTERFACE
echo ""
#START-Activate interface
sudo ip link set $INTERFACE up && IFACE_UP="ok"
if [ $IFACE_UP ]; then
echo my_message: interface $INTERFACE is up
echo ""
echo my_message: running the following command:
echo $KVM_CMD
echo ""
#Start the VM
echo ""
echo MY_ERROR: interface $INTERFACE could not be started
echo ""
#END-Activate interface
echo MY_ERROR: bridge br0 could not be linked to interface $INTERFACE
echo ""
#END-Link to bridge
#START-Destroy the interface
sudo tunctl -d $INTERFACE && IFACE_DESTROYED="ok"
if [ $IFACE_DESTROYED ]; then
echo my_message: Interface $INTERFACE was destroyed
echo ""
echo MY_ERROR: Interface $INTERFACE could not be destroyed
echo ""
#END-Destroy the interface
echo MY_ERROR: Interface could not be created
#END-Create the tun interface
As you see we're not using anymore the two delivered scripts kvm-ifdown and kvm-ifup.
Other informations:
- In Gentoo, if when starting a VM everthing hangs just after the BIOS startup and the last message is "Press F12 for boot menu", it might mean that the package overwrote the modules provided by the kernel. Fix this by adding to "/etc/portage/package.use" the line "app-emulation/kvm -havekernel -modules".
- If the above procedure does not help, try the following (exactly the opposite - uses the modules from the package and does not look at your kernel):
find /lib/ -name kvm*
...delete the entries for "kvm.ko" and "kvm-intel.ko"...
rm /lib/modules/2.6.25-gentoo-r7/kernel/arch/x86/kvm/kvm-intel.ko
rm /lib/modules/2.6.25-gentoo-r7/kernel/arch/x86/kvm/kvm.ko
...check that the system didn't find any other modules...
modprobe -r kvm-intel
modprobe -r kvm
modprobe kvm-intel
WARNING: Could not open '/lib/modules/2.6.25-gentoo-r7
/kernel/arch/x86/kvm/kvm.ko': No such file or directory
FATAL: Could not open '/lib/modules/2.6.25-gentoo-r7/kernel
/arch/x86/kvm/kvm-intel.ko': No such file or directory
...recompile the KVM-package WITH NO FLAGS...
[ebuild R ] app-emulation/kvm-78 USE="alsa esd gnutls modules ncurses
pulseaudio sdl -havekernel -test -vde" 0 kB
...copy the modules that were created to the place where
I deleted the ones that were provided by the kernel...
cp /lib/modules/2.6.25-gentoo-r7/kvm/kvm-intel.ko
cp /lib/modules/2.6.25-gentoo-r7/kvm/kvm.ko
...and at this point by loading the modules...
modprobe kvm-intel see a confirmation in /var/log/messages saying...
Nov 16 17:25:31 MYSERVER loaded kvm module (kvm-78)
...and now I hope that everything works.
- To be able to access the KVM-VM through VNC, start it up from a console with the option...
-vnc,password -usb -usbdevice tablet -monitor stdio
...which will make the VNC server listen on the port 5901 of the server, will make the mouse work better (-usb -usbdevice tablet) and will output a KVM-console on the console. Afterwards to set the password for VNC, type in the console...
change vnc password
...and set a password (!!!any chars after the first 8 will be ignored!!!)
Keep in mind that VNC in KVM supports only 1 connection at a time and that the only available encodings are RAW and Hextile.